Leader in field
You’ve arrived. You’re established in your field, and have a resume that proves it. Learn how you can connect with MSSA alumni through service or thought leadership in your field of expertise.

Share your successes with our community
Share professional impact stories with us! Our comms team can work with you to identify the format to share your success as an MSSA success.
Contribute to the MSSA hiring ecosystem

Share insights into job opportunities, offer informational and mock interviews, and find MSSA alumni at your company in the official MSSA Alumni Network group on LinkedIn.
We are always looking to add new hiring partners to the MSSA program. Connect us with your organization’s Director of Talent, or a talent lead responsible for Veteran outreach at your company, and send an introduction to our Ops team to start the conversation.

Nurture MSSA alumni careers as an alumni mentor
We’re announcing a new way for alumni to stay engaged with their network of MSSA alumni. Sign up as an alumni mentor or mentee—we’ll introduce you to another alumni with aligned mentoring objectives and experience.

Lead an alumni hackathon
What do you know best? Develop a project or challenge for MSSA alumni to work on. You drive—we’ll support with operations and communications.

Network with MSSA alumni network
Our alumni network is strong, with over 3,600 members and growing. Connect with MSSA Alumni for informational interviews, share opportunities, and identify MSSA alumni at your company.

Contribute thought leadership
Do you have insights to share on military hiring or military talent in the IT industry? Submit draft posts or thought leadership with our communications team for review for possible publication as a blog, article, or other medium.